
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Set The WayBack Machine, Sherman! :) 3

I'm back! And this time I brought the 1977 DC Calendar with me! :) In this calendar, our heroes go around the world to do battle with their foes.

The first two pictures are the front and back covers, and the third picture is of a poster that came with the calendar. The final twelve pictures are January - December, of course. :)

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this trip down through the years. :) Don't forget: You can take ANY image, and make up a "new" calendar starring Batman or any of the other heroes you like! :)

And don't forget THIS: All of these calendar images make GREAT wallpapers for your computer! :)

I'll be back around Wednesday with somethin' again! :)

Cartoon Fun 31!

Hey! I've got cartoons, and they're being posted before a LOT of you are even awake! YaY, ME!

(For once!) ;)

Now you guys have time to break out your favorite sugar cereal in order to REALLY enjoy these cartoons! :)

Choose Your "Weppins"

Bugs Bunny
Captain Hareblower

Roger Ramjet
Kokomo 444

Space Ghost
The Gargoyloids

Mighty Mouse
Beauty On The Beach

Just In Case
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Okay, that does it for this week, but we'll have more schtuff later! :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Superman Classic!

An animator, Robb Pratt, has created two short (FAR too short in my opinion!) animated films starring Superman. I just wanted to make sure everyone everywhere got to see these great films!

C'mon, Warner Bros.! Hire this guy to do some Superman cartoons NOW! :)

Well? How'd you like 'em? I wish he'd done full half-hours! :) I'll be back with more goodies over the weekend sometime! :)

In Memoriam - 17 & 18

Both Chad Everett and Sherman Hemsley passed away Tuesday, July 23, 2012. Both gentlemen were a big part of my childhood and will be missed.

RIP, Chad Everett
RIP, Sherman Hemsley

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Live Action" Banners!

Hey, there! :)

This time, all of the banners I've got were all from TV shows and/or movies, thus the "live action" tag. :)

These were all posted on the Batman, Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages, and Superman Message Boards, as you can see. :)

Hope you like 'em! :)

Well, I hope you like these banners, as well as the cartoons I posted earlier. Come on by the message boards, and you can participate in all the discussions you like! :) See you all later! :)

Cartoon Fun 30!

Okay, I'm sorry the 'toons are late this week. I got real busy Saturday morning, and then my AC went out. I'm just prayin' it gets fixed today, with the heat goin' up to 100 again! Yow! ;)

Here are this week's 'toons! :)

Giddy Gold

Bugs Bunny
Apes Of Wrath

Super Chicken
Wild Ralph Hiccup

Mighty Mouse
Outer Space Visitor

Sinbad, Jr.
The Flying Carpet

The Big Dipper
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Now, I'm gonna sit back, and melt a little bit more. Enjoy the cartoons! ;)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Be My Valentine! :)

Okay, I KNOW it's been a little longer than usual since I posted anything, and I humbly apologize! Life sometimes gets in the way of havin' fun, ya know? ;)

Anyway, to help celebrate the opening of the new Batman movie this weekend, I've got some old Batman valentines from the 1960's that I found on the web. :) The first picture is of the cover, and the second is the inside, of course, with the VERY first pic being the boxtop, I believe. :)

Hope ye like 'em! :)

And as a special bonus, here's another Superman birthday card I found on-line, too! :)

Just put in whomever's name you wanna give the card to, and you're set! :)

Now, I will TRY to be back with more schtuff on Saturday. I'm gonna see the new Batman movie then, and we'll talk some about it on the Batman Message Board. C'mon by, if you'd like! Tell 'em Gernot sentcha! ;)

See ya soon! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cartoon Fun 29!

Good morning! :) I'm back, and I've brought along some of our favorite cartoon characters (I hope)!

And now to more of the same, only different! ;)

Puppet Love

Mighty Mouse
The Mysterious Package

Bugs Bunny
Tortoise Wins By A Hare

Atom Ant
Super Blooper

Commander McBragg
Khyber Pass

Electro, The Human Lightning Bolt

Tom Terrific
Go West, Young Manfred
Part 1
Part 2

Yeah, that'll do it until NEXT weekend! Who knows WHAT I'll post then? ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Let's Have A Laugh--4!

Good morning! I thought we'd see some more of the banners I'd been able to toss a joke or two in on! :) Hope you all get a good chuckle or two out of 'em! :)

These banners all appeared on the Batman, DC Comics, and The Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages Message Boards, in case you were curious. :)

Now, I'm NOT sure what I'll be posting this weekend besides Cartoon Fun, but I'll be posting SOMETHING. ;) See ya then! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

In Memoriam - 16

Ernest Borgnine passed away today at the age of 95. Besides McHale's Navy, I fondly recall his great role as the cop in The Poseidon Adventure.

RIP, Mr. Borgnine.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heroic Banners!

Hello again! I've got several new banners for all of you to check out if you like. :)

These all appeared on the Batman, DC Comics, Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Justice League Of America, and Superman Message Boards.

Hope you like 'em! :)

Well, I hope you liked this bunch. I'll have somethin' else come Wednesday, okay? :)