
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rejected Banners - 18!

I'm back with more banners now! :) These are once again several rejected banners, all coming from The Comic Battles Message Board.

Here they are! :)

Heh. I've only got about 15 more rejected banners to put up. That means next weekend will PROBABLY see the last of them, as I'll be making banners for my own boards in the future. :)

So, I'll be back with more schtuff for you to check out on Wednesday! :) Be good 'till then! :)

Cartoon Fun 41!

Thank GOODNESS it's Saturday! >whew!< I thought it'd NEVER get here! :)

To celebrate, I've got some cartoons here! Let's get to 'em right away, okay? :)

Popeye Meets Rip Van Winkle

Bugs Bunny
Herr Meets Hare

Li'l Abner
Porkuliar Piggy

Beetle Bailey
Sweet Sunday

Mighty Mouse
The Pirates

Eighth Man
The Monstrous Eeler
Part 1
Part 2

Okay! I hope you enjoy these cartoons! I'll be back with some others NEXT week! Remember, if there are any you wanna see that I haven't posted yet, let me know! I'll see about including 'em in future installments! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rejected Banners - 17!

Good morning! I've got eight more rejected banners for you to check out. I KNOW I've been posting a lot of these lately, but I wanna get these outta the way so I can concentrate on JUST the banners going on my own boards. :)

Those boards, to refresh your memories, are the following:

DC Comics
Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages
Justice League Of America

Now, all of these would have appeared on the Comic Battles Board, in case you want to go check it out. It's pretty neat. You'll like it! :)

Now, here are the banners! :)

Well, that's it for now, but I'll be back sometime Saturday with more banners and a new Cartoon Fun! :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rejected Banners - 16!

Hello again! I've got several more banners that didn't quite pass muster and weren't used on the Batman and Comic Battles Message Boards. I'm posting 'em for our enjoyment, though. :)

I hope you enjoyed these banners! I'll be back on Wednesday with some more stuff for you to hopefully enjoy! :)

Cartoon Fun 40!

Good morning and Happy Fall! It's gonna be chilly out today, so I'm havin' Ramen Noodles as I fix up cartoons for all'a youse! ;)

Here they are!

Bridge Ahoy

Bugs Bunny
Falling Hare

Laurel & Hardy
Shoe Shoe Baby

Fearless Fly
Ferocious Fly

Never Step On A Scorpion

The Silver Thieves
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Well, I finished off my noodles, and now I can kick back and watch these cartoons in their entirety (not just making sure they all play well)! :)


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pick A Team And Join Up! :)

Good evening! I'm gonna take it easy this week, and hold off on posting again until Saturday morning, but I'm posting some new stuff NOW. :)

I've got some Justice League Of America, Legion Of Super-Heroes, and Avengers membership cards and certificates. You can cut them out and print them out with whatever name you choose. Just don't try to use 'em to pick up girls. It WON'T work, trust me! LOL ;)

Your KIDS will be impressed, and will probably welcome the chance to join their favorite teams, too! :)

First, I've got the DC teams!

Now, here's the Avengers' stuff! :)

As a special bonus, here's a Superman-Tim membership card and a Junior Justice Society badge from their clubs from the 1940's! :)

Now, you and your sons/daughters/nieces/nephews/siblings/grandchildren are all ready to show off their superhero group memberships! ;)

I hope you liked all of these! I'll be back next weekend! :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rejected Banners - 15!

Hello again! I've got more banners for you all to check out. These banners were not used, but they're here for you to enjoy! :)

These would all have appeared on the Batman, Comic Battles, and the Wonder Woman Boards. :)

Okay! I'm gonna have something DIFFERENT for you next Wednesday, even though I DO have a lot more banners to go through. I'll go THAT easy on all of you! ;)

See ya later! :)

Cartoon Fun 39!

Okay, I know these are a little late today, but I hadda run to the bank and the store early this Saturday morning. You're STILL getting the cartoons, and here they are! ;)

Gem Jam

Bugs Bunny
The Wacky Wabbit

Mr. Magoo
Hotsy Footsy

Diet Of Destruction

Fractured Fairy Tales
Leaping Beauty

The Phoney Booths
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
I hope you enjoy this week's selections, 'cause I'll be here again NEXT week with more! ;)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rejected Banners - 14!

Good morning! I hope everyone's well today! :)

I've got eight more rejected banners for you today! I thought SOME of these were pretty good, but the mods don't change the banners very often, really. Ah, well. :)

These would all have appeared on the Batman, Comic Battles, and Wonder Woman Boards. Here they are!

That'll do it for today! I'll have more schtuff for ye Saturday! :)