
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Justice Banners Of America!

Hey there! I've got a bunch of banners for you today. If you're a fan of Cartoon Fun or Music Fun, I apologize for not posting either one this week. I was in the hospital from Tuesday afternoon until Saturday afternoon, and didn't post either one. I'll have both this coming week, I hope! :)

Anyway, these banners were all used on
The Justice League Of America
Message Board.

Well, that's it for this week! I'm gonna TRY to get back here with a Cartoon and Music Fun for all of you. My in-laws are visiting for the 4th, and we're gonna have a barbecue! :) Happy Fourth of July, all! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Let's Have A Laugh - 12!

Hey there! It's time to show off some of my humor in the form of ComicBoard banners I've made. These banners all saw use on the following boards:

The '80's + '90's
Captain America
DC Comics
The Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages
Justice League Of America
Message Boards

Here are all the banners. Enjoy!

Well, that does it for this week! I've have more banners next weekend for ye! :)

Friday, June 20, 2014

Music Fun 38!

Greetings, Music lovers (and everyone else)! I've got some more hits from the decade I like to call the '80's, 'cause that' its name! :)

Foist orf, we've got some requests!

Whispering Hands writes:
Could I request Downbound Train by Bruce Springsteen? 1984 had a lot of great songs.

Nose Norton writes:
Ok! Can I hear Yesterday Girl by The Smithereens?

Paste Pot Pete writes:
You could play the Weird Al version. I think I'm a clone now.

Yes you CAN, WH and Nose! And yes -I- can, PPP! Here are yer requests!

Bruce Springsteen
Downbound Train

The Smithereens
Yesterday Girl

Weird Al Yankovic
I Think I'm A Clone Now

Now, here are MY picks! :)

Kip Addotta
Wet Dream

Images In Vogue
Lust For Love

Samantha Fox
I Only Want To Be With You

Frank Stallone
Far From Over

Kim Mitchell
Go For A Soda

Kenny Loggins
Nobody's Fool

That's another week's woith of moozik fer all of ye! I'll have a new Music Fun for your enjoyment in another week! Be here or don't! ;)

Cartoon Fun 126!

Who's ready for cartoons? Then, sit still and start watchin'! ;)

We Aim To Please

Pvt. Snafu

The Mummy Strikes

Donald Duck
Donald's Crime

Aesop & Son
The Rooster And Five Hens

Astro Boy
The Spirit Machine

That does it for this week! I'll be back next week with more cartoons for us all! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Let's Have A Laugh - 11!

Hello again! I've got 22 more banners here for you that I think you'll like! These all have jokes on 'em, and most of 'em I made up!

These banners saw use on the

DC Comics
Justice League Of America
Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages

Message Boards. Here are the banners, and I hope you enjoy them all! :)

Well, that's all for now! I'll be back next weekend with more schtuff, 'kay? :)